Monday, October 08, 2007

No One is Immune

Think it cannot happen to you. "I don't need to waste money on Employment Related Practices Coverage," is said to me day after day. Well read on.

It was announced today that Sidley Austin, one of the nation's largest law firms, agreed to pay $27.5 million to 32 former partners to settle a closely watched age-discrimination lawsuit brought by the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. In this case not one of the partners even filed a complaint with the EEOC. read on.

American Ballet Theater fired a trumpeter in its orchestra because it believed he was too old, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission charged in an age discrimination lawsuit. The musician, Henry Nowak, was let go in 2005 at age 74, says the suit, filed on Thursday in United States District Court in Manhattan.

No one is immune. Including you.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Could You Financially Survive Such a Verdict

NEW YORK_In an end to a salacious three-week trial, a jury ordered the owners of the New York Knicks to pay $11.6 million to a former team executive who allegedly endured crude insults and unwanted advances from coach Isiah Thomas.

This blog doesn't comment on the merits of the lawsuit. Despite my love of sports I ignored the articles and broadcasts, focusing on an exciting end of the regular baseball season and the beginning of college and Pro football.

This verdict caught my eye though. Time and time again, I counsel clients to consider D&O, EPL, or Union Liability Insurance to protect themselves from such a verdict and the tens of millions of attorneys fees that have been incurred and will increase through an appeal and possible retrial. The usual response is "we don't have that problem" or " we have a human resources department that takes care of those things" or " I can't afford that coverage right now."

As a risk manager, time and time again, I encourage clients to adopt procedures and give trainings on Employment Related Practices only to receive a response "we don't have the time or the money" to do that.

Here are a few facts to consider if you have given such a response:

1. Three of five businesses will be sued this year by an employee or a former employee over an employment practice

2. Employment practices suits account for 20% of all Federal Court filings

3. 56% of all employment practice filings going to trial result in a verdict for the plaintiff employee

4. The average jury award is S250.000, with 15% exceeding $1 million

5. 33% of wrongful termination verdicts have punitive damages equal to or exceeding compensatory damage.

Today's sports headlines should represent a "wake up call." yesterday's verdict did not include punitive damages, did not include Plaintiff's attorneys fees, did not include all the attorneys fees that the defendant incurred and will incur, did not include the damage to the reputation of the Defendant's and the PR costs they will now incur to remedy.

Talk to your Independent Agent or your Certified Risk Manager. " Do not Pass Go, or someone will be collecting a lot more than $200 from your wallet."