Tuesday, May 23, 2006

26 Million Veteran's Personal Information Stolen

Last June, we wrote our clients identifying a substantial risk to their organization. This risk is generally not covered by a Commercial Liability Policy, but is covered by the policy The McLaughlin Company developed -- the Union Liability Policy to protect Unions and individuals engaged in Union activities. Typically those exposures arise from the Landrum Griffin and Taft-Hartley Acts, which permit union members to sue union leaders for alleged misconduct.

Last June, we explained there was a new risk making the headlines that made it imperative that a labor organization consider Union Liability Coverage.
This risk was exposure to Unions and Union Officers due to Identify theft of the Union’s database of personal information on its members. The McLaughlin Company foresaw claims and lawsuits arising out of this exposure.

Today's headlines bring this issue to the forefront. No matter how many steps an organization takes to protect its member's information the simple act of bringing a disc or a laptop home can lead to a disaster.

If you don't have this protection contact us at info@mclaughlin-online.com

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